When it comes down to it symmetry is nice. Our brains naturally look for patterns, and when those patterns mirror one another they add so much more. Simple and clean but for the most part not always easy to pull off. Reflections are another part of this that I wanted to add. Albeit in a mirror reflection or just a puddle, I believe with a cell phone you can capture symmetrical images more often than not.
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Or even finding a hallway, hallways are a great little place we all travel through. Same on both sides typically, and just easy to capture. Another big part of symmetry is to just see the sky in a puddle or just off a car. Still, it makes a great opportunity to just play with your cell phone. Cell phones see roughly what we see in our own field of vision & a tad bit more.
What is nice about symmetry is the ability to see the half image in another half of the image. Where leading lines kept the picture moving, symmetry is what is in place to keep the eye and image concise.
When you pull out your sunglasses to snap a picture off your cell phone for the sake of that sweet reflection pic, just remember nature offers the same. Man-made or not symmetry just helps line things up so well. The patterns repeat, the image is not flat or boring, it becomes much more satisfying. Most reflections make images symmetrical but not all reflections are symmetrical. Sticking to what matches from the top, bottom, or side of an image can boost your cell phone pictures.
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